Requesting Vital Records
Online Certificate Services (Expedited shipping within 5 days)
- Only birth certificates & death certificates available online.
- Online vendors: ROVER (SOG Agency Vendor), VitalChek, & GO Certificates.
Mail-In County Vital Records Offices-Certificate Services: (shipped within 8-10 weeks)
- Marriage certificates, divorce certificates, printed certified copies of existing birth and death certificates, & processing/registration of death events.
- Requirements: completed request form, supporting documents, & money order or cashier’s check.
- Find a Vital Records Office near you.
Mail-In State Office of Vital Records (SOVR)-Certificate Services: (shipped within 8-10 weeks)
- Certificate Amendments (record changes): foreign adoptions (birth certificates non-US), fetal death (stillbirth) certificates, putative father (registry of potential biological fathers for parental rights &/or adoption incidences), home birth packets (out of institution birth registrations), & delayed birth certificates (records requiring creation after the child’s first birthday).
- Requirements: completed request form, supporting documents, & money order or cashier’s check.
- State Office of Vital Records, 1680 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30349