Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Statistics
MIS-C in the United States
In April of 2020, clinicians in the United Kingdom recognized the presence of severe inflammatory syndrome in otherwise healthy children who currently or recently tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. These patients presented with systemic signs and symptoms such as fever, hypotension, and multi-organ system involvement. Since May 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has requested reports of multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). MIS-C is reportable in Georgia, and suspect cases should be reported to the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH).
From March 11, 2020 through October 21, 2022, 9,073 cases were reported in the United States, including 74 deaths. Case patient age range from infancy to 20 years of age, with the median age being 9 years. Males accounted for 60% of the reported cases. Half of children with MIS-C were between the ages of 5 and 13 years. Of the reported cases, 56% with race/ethnicity information available (N=8,557) occurred in children who are Hispanic/Latino (2,235 patients) or Black, Non-Hispanic (2,595 patients). 98% of patients had a positive test result for SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The remaining 2% of patients had contact with someone with COVID-19.
For more information about MIS-C in the U.S. and current case counts, visit:
MIS-C in Georgia
MIS-C was made a reportable condition in Georgia during May 2020. From March 11, 2020 to August 25, 2022, 533 confirmed MIS-C cases have been reported in Georgia, with no known associated deaths.
November 2022 Data Report
Page last updated 11/17/2022