Georgia Immunization Registry (GRITS)

The Georgia Immunization Registry is designed to collect and maintain accurate, complete and current vaccination records to promote effective and cost-efficient disease prevention and control. The Georgia Immunization Registry Law, passed in 1996 and expanded by House Bill 1526, requires reporting by " any person who administers a vaccine or vaccines licensed for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration to a person." Several options are available for submitting immunization records to the Registry. Georgia's immunization providers also have quick and easy access to immunization records on individuals and able to generate a variety of reports on their immunization status.


  • Assure that all persons in Georgia receive appropriate, timely immunizations to lead healthy, disease-free lives
  • Assist public health officials in assessing and improving community immunization status
  • Assist providers and public health officials in reminding individuals when they or their children need or are past due for vaccination(s)
  • Assure access to up-to-date immunization records of Georgians
  • Assist providers in evaluating the immunization status of their patients
  • Avoid duplicate immunizations
  • Meet the needs of Georgia's Immunization Registry mandate
  • Provide a Registry that is cost-effective, user friendly, and efficient.

Georgia Registry of Immunization Transactions & Services

GRITS Partners


Related Sites

American Immunization Registry Association
The American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) is a working group of 11 state, city, and managed care immunization registry managers whose members have met since March 1999. AIRA is working to provide a common voice for immunization registry programs and to encourage communication and collaboration among partners to ensure a sustainable network of immunization registries.

Georgia Academy of Family Physicians
The Georgia Academy of Family Physicians (GAFP) is a non-profit medical association of family physicians, family practice residents, and medical students. The Vision of the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians is to achieve excellence in health care and the betterment of health of all Georgians.

Georgia Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. The Georgia Chapter of the AAP was established in 1934 as an endorsed Chapter Affiliate of the national organization.

Georgia Hospital Association
The Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) is a nonprofit trade association made up of member hospitals and individuals in administrative and decision-making positions within those institutions.


Updated 02/06/2024