Organophosphate Nerve Agent Metabolites (OPNA) in Serum
Brief Description
This LC-MS-MS method is for the detection of metabolites in serum after exposure to organophosphate nerve agents sarin (GB), soman (GD), cyclohexylsarin (GF), Russian VX (rVX) and VX. The method utilizes isotopically labeled standards to detect and quantify metabolites GB acid (methylphosphonic acid, isopropyl ester), GD acid (methylphosphonic acid, 1, 2, 2-trimethylpropyl ester), GF acid (methyl phosphonic acid, monocyclohexyl ester), rVX acid (methyl phosphonic acid, 2-methylpropyl ester) and VX acid (methylphosphonic acid, monoethyl ester).
Laboratory Unit
Chemical Threat
Specimen Collection
Whole Blood/Serum:
1-2 mL in red, green, or purple top tubes.
Consultation is required with GPHL Emergency Response Coordinator Req 24/7 contact number: 866-782-4584.
Whole Blood/Serum can be maintained at refrigerated temperature (2-8°C) during transit.
Acceptable Specimen Type(s)
Whole blood/serum
Test Request
- GPHL Apollo Web Portal
Web Portal Instructions
- For manual orders, download the
GPHL Submission Form
Possible Results
Reference Range
Not detected
Unacceptable Conditions
- Missing testing requisition
- Missing minimum of 2 patient identifiers
- No specimen received (empty collection tube).
- Specimen leaked or was damaged or crushed in transit.
- Wrong type of specimen submitted.
- Patient identifier on specimen does not match that on form.
- Low volume (<0.25 mL Whole blood)
- Insufficient specimen volume (less than 1.5 mL).
Interfering Substances
Result Reported
1-3 business days
Turnaround times may be affected by the scale of the event.
No charge
LOINC/Order Codes
54097-1 (Order code: CT051100)