Chemical Hazards

About the Chemical Hazard Program
The mission of the Chemical Hazards Program (CHP) is to prevent illness and promote quality of life through the reduction and elimination of exposure to hazardous chemicals in the environment.
In Georgia, CHP is a non-regulatory, cooperative agreement program funded by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). CHP is the only state or local program that aims to advance environmental epidemiology and toxicology capacity to provide information to the public and other professionals about toxic chemical exposures and their potential health effects, as well as information on how to reduce, eliminate, and prevent exposures to hazardous chemicals in the environment.
Our program provides public health assessments, health consultations, technical assistance, community education, staff training, and referrals for district and local health departments, residents, educators, healthcare professionals, and state and federal agencies.
Assessments and Consultations
The aim of public health assessments and health consultations is to find out whether people are being exposed to hazardous substances and, if so, whether that exposure is harmful. Public health assessments and consultations are conducted by environmental health scientists from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and from state agencies with which ATSDR has cooperative agreements, including the Georgia Department of Public Health, Chemical Hazards Program (CHP).
Public health assessments and health consultations differ only in their scope. A public health assessment looks at all environmental media that have been affected at a hazardous materials incident, and attempts to determine the full extent of all possible exposures. A health consultation looks into a specific exposure pathway, and is a way to respond quickly to a need for health information and make recommendations for immediate actions to protect public health.
For public health assessments and health consultations conducted nationally go to the ATSDR web site.
Choose Safe Places | Georgia Safe Siting Program
Selecting the right location for your child care center is essential to protect the health of children and staff from chemical exposures, and minimize the risk to your business. To learn more about safe siting and how to screen your proposed child care center location, please visit the Georgia Safe Siting Program.
Recently Published Documents
Former Macon Naval Ordnance Plant Letter Health Consultation
The Georgia Department of Public Health has released the results of a letter health consultation conducted on the former Macon Naval Ordnance Plant in Macon, Georgia. To review the document, click
A summary of the conclusions and results can be found
GRP Madison Renewable Energy Facility Health Consultation
The Georgia Department of Public Health has released the results of a health consultation conducted on the GRP Madison Renewable Energy Facility in Colbert, Georgia. To review the document, click
Contact Information:
Chemical Hazards Program, Environmental Health Section
Phone: (404) 657-6534
After Hours Public Health Emergencies
1-866-PUB-HLTH (782-4584)
Emergency Contact Information:
Georgia Poison Center
Throughout Georgia: (800) 282-5846
Metro Atlanta: (404) 616-9000
TDD: (404) 616-9287
Environmental Emergencies (spills, violations)
Throughout Georgia: (800) 241-4113
Metro Atlanta: (404) 656-4300
Page last updated 5/19/2023