Public Health Services

HIV Care Program

The HIV Care Program is responsible for the direct management of the ADAP and HICP, for coordinating the funding of medical and support services across Georgia, and monitoring the quality of medical care and case management services.

Georgia WIC

Georgia WIC serves to safeguard the health of low-income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, including breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to health care.

Georgia Gateway

Apply on Gateway to see all the services you are eligible for.

Children’s Medical Services

The Children’s Medical Services (CMS) program supports families caring for children with special health care needs. CMS works with healthcare providers and community partners to make sure children and youth with chronic medical conditions have access to timely and quality healthcare services.

Babies Can’t Wait

Babies Can’t Wait (BCW) is Georgia’s early intervention program that offers a variety of coordinated services for infants and toddlers with learning and developmental needs, from birth to three years of age, and their families.

Georgia Autism Initiative

The Georgia Autism Initiative is the statewide coordination and delivery of services that improve capacity for early intervention, family coaching and support, transition planning, and provider training for infants and youth with ASD from birth to 21 years of age and their families.

Vaccines for Children

The Vaccines for Children Program help reach children who might not otherwise receive vaccine because of financial barriers or who might receive vaccines late because they would be referred to another setting for free vaccines.

Oral Health Program

The Georgia Oral Health Program helps people from experiencing unnecessary complications from dental caries (cavities) and periodontal (gum) diseases that adversely affect their health by promoting preventive measures for all Georgians.

Healthy Pregnancy

The Perinatal Health program promotes the health of women and infants by assisting them in accessing risk-appropriate, comprehensive, quality perinatal services close to home.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Program

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program provides breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnostic services and referral to treatment as medically indicated to uninsured and underinsured women residing in Georgia.

Cancer State Aid

The Cancer State Aid Program supports access to screening, diagnostic, treatment planning, and cancer treatment services provided by participating hospitals, freestanding radiation therapy centers and participating medical office practices.

Refugee Health Program

The Refugee Health Program promotes the physical, mental, and social well-being of all newly arriving refugees in the state of Georgia.


Page updated 6/30/2023