Healthy Pregnancy

Healthy Pregnancy   |   Pregnancy Resources   |   Perinatal Provider 

Presumptive Eligibility Clinic Locations

Pregnancy (perinatal) services are focused on the health of women and babies before, during and after birth. Georgia's Perinatal Health program aims to assure pregnant women in Georgia every opportunity to access comprehensive perinatal health care services appropriate to meet their individual needs. 

HEAR Her Concerns

The Perinatal Health program promotes the health of women and infants by assisting them in accessing risk-appropriate, comprehensive, quality perinatal services close to home.

Presumptive Eligibility Clinic

Are you pregnant and in need of health care? You may be eligible for Medicaid right now. Find the nearest location where you can complete the enrollment process. That’s the first step toward getting you and your baby the special care you need.

Click on the search button to find the nearest location where you can complete the enrollment process.

Georgia Gateway

Apply on Gateway to see all the services you are eligible for.


Page last updated 11/30/2022