NBS Providers

Georgia’s Newborn Screening (NBS) Program is a state-mandated program within the Georgia Department of Public Health. The NBS Program in Georgia operates as a universal access, coordinated, multi-partner system dedicated to the early identification and intervention of congenital and heritable conditions through efficient screening, follow-up, consultation, tracking, data analysis, and educational initiatives.

Georgia Newborn Screening Policy and Procedure Manual

DPH's Newborn Screening Policy and Procedure Manual provides guidance on the implementation of newborn screening for genetic/metabolic, hearing, and critical congenital heart disease screening.

Delivery Hospitals and Facilities

It is the responsibility of the delivery facility, birthing center, physician’s office, or other healthcare facility in which each infant is born to ensure that a newborn screening dried blood spot (NBS DBS) specimen is collected and submitted to the Georgia Public Health Laboratory for testing for select endocrine and genetic metabolic conditions. Testing for congenital hearing loss and CCHD must also be completed, and results recorded in the clinical record, reported to DPH, and shared with the infant’s parent or guardian.

Order Newborn Screening Supplies

The Georgia Public Health Laboratory's (GPHL) Specimen Collection Outfit Order Form is used to order newborn screening supplies.  Available supplies include submission mailing labels, newborn screen collection forms, and mailing envelopes for newborn screens. Contact GPHL's Customer Service Team for assistance at (404) 327-7928 or email [email protected].

If the birth occurs outside a delivery facility, birthing center, or other healthcare facility, then it is the responsibility of the attending physician or midwife to properly complete NBS DBS specimen collection and submit the NBS DBS card to Georgia Public Health Laboratory.

Healthcare Providers

The provider listed on the NBS DBS card as the pediatrician after discharge will receive the results of newborn screening for metabolic and endocrine disorders and is responsible for contacting the family to arrange diagnostic testing and follow-up as indicated. If the infant is seeing a different healthcare provider than listed on the NBS DBS card, the family must inform DPH immediately (email [email protected]) so the correct provider can be notified.

The PCP will provide the family with the NBS results and education. The PCP may be asked by a state-designated follow-up program to do one or more of the following:

  1. Contact the family to bring the infant in for an assessment. Infants should be assessed as soon as possible. The follow-up program may advise that an immediate assessment or referral to an emergency department is necessary for some infants.
  2. Repeat the newborn screen - Many infants will need a repeat screen to confirm a diagnosis. The follow-up program will include this request in the verbal and/or faxed report.
  3. Collect diagnostic test samples - Some infants will require diagnostic testing. The follow-up team's verbal and faxed report will include information on how to do this, details on which tests to order, and recommended labs.
  4. Refer the infant for confirmatory testing - Some infants may need to be referred to a specialist for additional testing to confirm a diagnosis. The follow-up program will provide this guidance to the PCP.

Frequently Asked Questions by NBS Providers

  • How do I order What Every Parent Should Know brochures?

    The delivery facility, birthing center, or other healthcare facility in which the infant is born is responsible for ensuring parents are given a copy of "Georgia Newborn Screening Program: What Every Parent Should Know."  DPH offers free brochures to the submitting facility. Email [email protected] to order NBS brochures. 

    DPH's brochure provides an overview of the newborn screening tests performed at birth. A copy of the brochure can be downloaded below.

  • Where can I find NBS reporting forms?

    A list of frequently used NBS reporting and referral forms are listed below.  Please contact [email protected] if you need additional assistance.

  • How can I access newborn screening results?

    Authorized providers can access newborn screening results through eReports, SendSS, or through an NBS authorization request form completed by the individual or individual's parent or guardian.

    • eReports Web Portal
      Licensed physicians, physician assistants, and registered professional nurses can request access to the Georgia Public Health Laboratory's web portal to access newborn screening results 24/7. 
      • Download this pdf file. DPH Newborn Screening eReports Web Portal Access Request Form
        Licensed physicians, physician assistants, and registered professional nurses can request access to the Georgia Public Health Laboratory's web portal to access newborn screening results 24/7.  The completed access request form can be emailed to [email protected]. Licenses will be verified before access is approved.
        • The portal contains results for specimens received on or after July 11, 2011.​​​
        • If you have eReport access questions, please contact the Georgia Public Health Laboratory at (404) 327-7950 or email [email protected].

          **If you need assistance resetting your eReports account log in credentials, please email [email protected].  
    • SendSS Newborn Screening Results
      Authorized providers can access unofficial copies of archived reports in SendSS for birth dates from the year 2000 through 2007. These archived reports may be needed for student athletes attending college and in need of documentation of their sickle cell status.

      To register, visit SendSS and fill out the online registration form.  Select SendSS Newborn and Newborn Screening Results as the required access.

      **If you need assistance resetting your SendSS account log in credentials, please email [email protected].  

    • Patient Authorization Release Form
      Providers seeking NBS results, including sickle cell results, please email a completed Authorization for Release of Newborn Screening Report form to [email protected] or fax a request to (404) 657-2773.
  • How do I order newborn screening collection cards and envelopes?

    NBS submitting providers can request newborn screening cards from the Georgia Public Health Laboratory using the collection outfit order form below.

    • Download this pdf file. DPH's Specimen Collection Outfit Order Form 
      DPH's Specimen Collection Outfit Order Form should be completed to request newborn screening collection forms and mailing envelopes for newborn screening.

      Newborn Screen Collection Forms and Mailing Envelopes for Newborn Screen are located on the bottom right of the form.  Submission mailing labels are under the Shipping Supplies section.

    If you have additional questions, or would like to become a NBS submitter, please contact the Georgia Public Health Laboratory's Customer Service Team at (404) 327-7928 or email [email protected].

  • Where can I find NBS training resources?

    DPH has created newborn screening trainings and resources specific to Georgia's policies and procedures. 

    Newborn Screening Policy and Procedures

    Newborn Dried Blood Spot Screening

    Hearing Screening

  • How do I resolve unsatisfactory newborn screening results?

    It is the responsibility of the delivery facility and the listed provider to contact the parents/guardians of an infant from whom the initial specimen was unsatisfactory to coordinate a repeat newborn dried blood spot specimen collection.

    Submitters who collected an unsatisfactory specimen will receive notification from the Georgia Public Health Laboratory advising them of the reason the initial specimen was unsatisfactory and the need to recollect and submit a specimen using a new newborn screening card.  

    Laboratory Resources

    If you have additional questions, please contact the Georgia Public Health Laboratory at (404) 327-7928 or email [email protected].

  • How do I contact the NBS Follow-Up Programs?

    The Georgia Newborn Screening Program contracts with Augusta University, Emory University, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia to provide follow-up services to newborns with a positive newborn screening result for specific genetic conditions, sickle cell disease, or sickle cell trait. You may receive a fax, phone call, or letter from these organizations. It's important to schedule follow-up testing/treatment as soon as possible to make sure your patient receives needed care.

    Contact Information:

      • Emory Newborn Screening Follow-up Program
        Organic Acid Disorders, Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders, Amino Acid Disorders, Lysosomal Storage Disorders, Endocrine Disorders, and Other Disorders
        Contact Number: (404) 778-8560
        Fax Number: (404) 778-8564
      • Augusta University - Newborn Screening Sickle Cell Follow-Up Program
        Contact Number: (706) 721-6251
        Fax Number: (706) 721-5769
      • Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Newborn Screening Sickle Cell Follow-Up Program
        Contact Number: (404) 785-1087
        Fax Number: (404) 553-9813
      • Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia - Sickle Cell Trait Follow-up Program and Sickle Cell Assistance Services
        Contact Number: (404) 755-1641
        Parent Education: (404) 755-1641 extension 203 or extension 235
        Family Services and Support: (404) 755-1642 extension 234
        Fax Number: (404) 755-7955
  • Who do I contact with NBS invoice questions?

    Providers can email [email protected] for assistance with NBS invoices.

    Download this pdf file. GPHL Newborn Screening Billing Guide - FAQs

  • What conditions are included in Georgia's NBS Panel?

    Newborn dried blood spot specimens are screened for over 35 conditions.

    • Amino Acid Disorders:
      These affect how the body breaks down proteins, which are important for growth and development. Treatment might involve a special diet and medication.
    • Endocrine Disorders:
      These affect hormones that control body functions. Medication helps prevent complications.
    • Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders:
      These impact energy production and can harm organs. Treatment includes diet changes and
    • Hemoglobin Disorders:
      These affect how blood cells carry oxygen. Early detection helps manage care.
    • Lysosomal Storage Disorders:
      These prevent the breakdown of sugars and fats, harming cells and organs. Treatments include
      therapy and medication.
    • Organic Acid Disorders:
      These cause harmful acid buildup. Treatment involves diet changes and use of specific vitamins.
    • Other Disorders:
      Various conditions that have different treatments and interventions. Some of the conditions include cystic fibrosis (CF), Krabbe disease (KD), and severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCID).

    A list of the current conditions included in Georgia’s newborn screening panel can be
    found here: Download this pdf file. List of NBS Conditions

  • Where can I find congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) information?

    Visit DPH's cCMV webpage here.

  • What hearing loss conditions are reportable to DPH?

    Mandatory Reporting of Hearing Loss in Georgia

    Hearing loss is defined as a threshold average of 15 dB or greater between 500Hz - 4000Hz, whether unilateral (in one ear) or bilateral (in both ears).

    The following conditions related to hearing loss are required to be reported to Public Health:

    Information for Hospitals and Birthing Facilities:

    Quarterly Data Reports should be submitted to the Georgia Department of Public Health via the EHDI Coordinator in the health district where the hospital or facility is located. Electronic reporting into SendSS is strongly recommended, but can also be reported by paper by fax to (404) 657-2773 or email to [email protected].


Newborn Screening Office Hours

The Georgia Newborn Screening (NBS) Program will be hosting quarterly Newborn Screening Office Hour sessions throughout 2025. The goal of these sessions is to provide updates to our newborn screening provider community and to provide an opportunity to ask questions.  The format each month will include a short presentation on a specific topic and a questions and answers session.


Last updated 3/7/2025