WIC Approved Foods List

Georgia WIC Food Package

Revised August 2021

The WIC Approved Foods List shows the types, sizes, and packaging of foods WIC participants may receive with their WIC food benefits. The Georgia WIC Approved Foods List is updated approximately every two years. The current update is effective August 2021.


To Submit a Food Product for Review:

The Georgia WIC Approved Foods List is updated approximately every two years. The current update is effective August 2021.  A request for food submissions will be sent out to manufacturers nine to twelve months prior to the update. To receive this submission request and to be added to the manufacturer's contact list, please contact the Nutrition Unit at 800-228-9173.

After submissions are received, a thorough analysis will be conducted based on USDA guidelines, nutritional quality, availability, cost, and acceptance of the product by WIC participants in Georgia.  The updated list will be emailed to all manufacturers on the contact list as soon as it has been finalized and approved.  The revised list will be added to this page when finalized. 

Foods listed by Brand: 

Whole grain bread/sandwich buns, whole grain tortillas, soy milk, tofu, juice (except orange and grapefruit), goat milk, cereal, infant cereal, infant fruits and vegetables, infant meats, yogurt, whole-wheat pasta.

Foods listed as Least Expensive Brand or Any Brand:

Produce (fresh, frozen, canned), beans/peas/lentils, peanut butter, fish, cheese, eggs, milk, brown rice, orange, and grapefruit juice.



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Page last updated 05/06/2024