Cancer State Aid

csa graphic

What is Cancer State Aid?

The Cancer State Aid (CSA) Program was established in 1937 by the Georgia legislature at the request of Georgia physicians to reduce the burden and cost of cancer care for uninsured, under-insured, and low-income patients. For over 80 years, CSA has funded access to services for eligible patients diagnosed with cancer or conditions highly suspicious for cancer.

CSA receives state funding to support access to screening, diagnostic, treatment planning, and cancer treatment services provided by participating hospitals, freestanding radiation therapy centers and participating medical office practices. Other services, such as related prescriptions and medical supplies, may be available through participating independent pharmacies, home health agencies and medical suppliers.


CSA applicants must qualify both financially and medically to be approved for enrollment and funding.

All applicants must meet and adhere to the following program requirements:

Cancer State Aid Enrollment and Billing Portal

  • Be uninsured or underinsured
  • Be ineligible for full coverage Medicaid
  • Be a resident of Georgia
  • Be a U.S. citizen or qualified alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence
  • Have an annual income =/< 250% Federal Poverty Limit ( Download this pdf file. FY23 CSA FPL Guidelines )
  • Be in need of cancer related diagnostic, staging and treatment planning services at time of application submission
  • Be in need of or receiving active cancer treatment at time of application submission
  • Be accepted for treatment by a physician affiliated with a participating facility

Applying for Cancer State Aid

Patients must make application through a participating Cancer State Aid (CSA) hospital or freestanding radiation center. Designated staff at these facilities assist with the application completion process and submit the completed application packet and corresponding documentation to CSA on the applicant’s behalf.

Download this pdf file. Cancer State Aid Participating Facilities

Download this pdf file. Cancer State Aid Participation Map

Download this pdf file. Patient Resources


Additional Resources

Download this pdf file. Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief - Patients

Download this pdf file. Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief - Providers & Pharmacies

Contact Us

Contact the Cancer State Aid Program at 404-463-5111 for additional information.

Georgia Gateway

Apply on Gateway to see all the services you are eligible for.


Cancer State Aid Program

Georgia Department of Public Health

200 Piedmont Ave. SE

Atlanta, Georgia 30334 


Page last updated 05/26/23