Georgia Responds

Welcome to Georgia Responds, the organization representing Georgia’s health and medical volunteer programs, and the simplest way to give back to your community. Less paperwork. More helping. Volunteers need to be organized, pre-credentialed and ready to mobilize during both times of disaster and times of simple, clear community need. Registration is now simplified through:
Whether you are a health care provider, an administrative specialist, a retired professional – anyone ready to help in your community – Georgia needs you.
Georgia Volunteer Health Care Program
The Georgia Volunteer Health Care Program (GVHCP) of the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) provides Sovereign Immunity protection to licensed health care professionals who volunteer to treat uninsured individuals at or below the federal poverty level.
The State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Georgia (SERVGA) integrates government-sponsored local, regional and statewide volunteer programs to assist emergency response and public safety organizations during a disaster. It is part of a national initiative to coordinate and mobilize volunteers to respond to all types of emergencies.
Medical Reserve Corps
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of more than 200,000 volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. MRC volunteers step up to keep their family, friends, and neighbors safe and healthy.
Benefits of Volunteering

Community efforts to increase access to health care for the uninsured and medical assistance during emergency events are essential in meeting the health demands of all Georgians. The number of individuals that receive care depends upon the number of healthcare professionals willing to devote their time and skills to volunteer.
Those who volunteer their time and talents have the opportunity to expand their medical experience, receive greater community recognition for their practice, and obtain a stronger connection to those whose health is improved thanks to these generous efforts.
Coordinating the combined efforts of volunteers throughout Georgia is a challenging and ever-changing task.
Page last updated 2/2022