Ready to Quit

nearly 1 in 5 deaths each year is caused by smoking

YOU can quit smoking, vaping, and using smokeless tobacco today! When you are ready, we can help. Improve your chances of quitting by calling or texting the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line (GTQL).

Do you vape or know someone between the ages of 13-26 who vapes? 

For help with quitting or supporting someone trying to quit click the link below! 

(877) 270-STOP (877-270-7867) | Español (877) 2NO-FUME (877-266-3863)

Hearing Impaired: 1-877-777-6534

Text READY to 34191| Español Text LISTO to 34191

Enroll online at

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including holidays)

You will receive

  • Telephone, text, and web-based services for all tobacco users 13 years and older
  • Services and support for pregnant and postpartum women
  • Cessation (quitting) services that address the use of all tobacco products
  • Translation support for multiple languages
  • Referrals to community resources
  • FREE supply of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs), gum, or patch, for qualified Georgia residents 18 and older

What is the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line?

The Georgia Tobacco Quit Line (GTQL) is a FREE public health service available to help Georgians quit smoking, vaping and stop using all forms of tobacco products. The GTQL is monitored by the Georgia Tobacco Use Prevention Program (GTUPP) and partners with a national tobacco cessation vendor to provide telephone, text, and web-based services.  The service follows the United States Public Health Service Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guidelines.

All Georgia residents who are ready to quit or support someone in quitting can contact the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line. 

Promotional Materials:  

Download this pdf file. Georgia Tobacco Quit Line - Español

Download this pdf file. Georgia Tobacco Quit Line - English


Page last reviewed 10/7/24