
asthma carry your inhaler

Asthma and COVID-19

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “People with moderate to severe asthma may be at higher risk of getting very sick from coronavirus 19 (COVID-19). COVID-19 can affect your respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs) cause an asthma attack, and possibly lead to pneumonia and acute respiratory disease.”

Asthma is a high priority health condition among Georgia children. Nearly 9 percent of Georgia’s children have asthma, and many more are undiagnosed.  Asthma can impact anyone. Asthma attacks are a tightening of the airways in the lungs, and if not controlled, asthma can lead to death. Living a healthy and active life with asthma is possible through good self-management, such as taking medications, and in partnership with a healthcare provider. 

In Georgia, although asthma impacts many people, asthma is found more often in boys and in persons who identify as black or African American.  Asthma is also found more often among children who live in households with lower incomes. Many of the triggers that cause asthma are found in older housing. 

In 2017, there were 2,614 asthma-related hospitalizations among children 0-17 years of age in Georgia. The total cost of asthma-related hospitalizations among Georgia children amounted to $37.4 million.

The Georgia Asthma Control Program carries out statewide activities to implement the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan for Addressing Asthma in Georgia, the Coordinated Federal Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Asthma Disparities, and National Asthma Control Program’s goals.  The 2020-2024 Strategic Plan to Address Asthma in Georgia has outlined eleven strategic goals in four areas of focus and emphasis, which include: Environmental Interventions, Health Systems, Schools and Childcare Settings, Surveillance and Evaluation.

Additional Resources

Download this pdf file. 2020-2024 Strategic Plan

Download this pdf file. Recommended Asthma Action Plan - English

Download this pdf file. Recommended Asthma Action Plan - Spanish

Coordinated Federal Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Asthma Disparities

National Asthma Control Program

Download this pdf file. Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief - Patients

Download this pdf file. Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief - Providers & Pharmacies

Pediatric Asthma Mortality

According to Vital Records, between 2001 and 2011, more than 60 children under the age of 18 died from asthma.  In 2014, the Georgia Asthma Control Program developed a Pediatric Asthma Mortality Reporting Form to capture detailed information regarding the circumstances surrounding the death of children when asthma was the cause of death.  In May of 2015, the Department of Public Health mandated the reporting of pediatric asthma deaths in order to refine or design medical or community prevention initiatives.  You will find additional resources regarding reporting below.

Additional Resources

Download this pdf file. Pediatric Asthma Mortality Reporting Form

Download this pdf file. Pediatric Asthma Mortality Reporting Fact Sheet

Pediatric Asthma Mortality Report (print version)

Page last updated 3/14/2024