Women's Health

Comprehensive health exams,

testing, education and

community resources.

explore your options

The Power of Family Planning

There is power in planning when to have a family.

father holding infant

A Focus on Maternal Mortality in Georgia

60% of the pregnancy-related deaths in Georgia were preventable.

Women and Children Service Finder

Use this tool to find your local health department.

Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy tests are available in at least one location in every county in Georgia, regardless of county residency. Urine pregnancy tests are completed by health department staff and results are provided within a few minutes. Women who are provided pregnancy tests in a health department location have the added benefit of receiving assistance with linkage to other services based including locating prenatal care providers, pregnancy Medicaid enrollment, and WIC when test results are positive or family planning services if desired when test results are negative. Please contact your local health department to learn more about availability, including hours and costs.

Healthcare Providers

pregnant woman holding belly

Maternal and Neonatal Center Designation Program

Ensure mothers and infants receive care in a facility appropriate for their level of risk.

doctor with pregnant woman

Regional Perinatal Centers

Assure that deliveries happen in the hospital with the appropriate level of care for the mother and the infant.


Women's Health

Notice of Free Interpretation Services

Free interpretation services are available in the health department. Please ask at the front desk for assistance.