Perinatal Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) can be transmitted from an infected mother to her infant at birth. HCV-exposed infants have a 4% to 7% risk of developing infection; the risk of infection increases if the mother is co-infected with HIV. There is no prophylaxis to prevent infection. 

All children born to HCV-infected women should be tested for HCV infection. Testing is recommended using an antibody-based test after 18 months of age. Testing with an HCV RNA assay can be considered in the first year of life. Although the optimal timing of such a test is unknown, HCV RNA testing is not recommended before 2 months of age.

Click on the following links to find audience specific materials about perinatal hepatitis C:

Contact the Georgia Viral Hepatitis Program:

Phone: (404) 657-2588

Fax: (404) 657-2608

Page updated 09/17/2024