HIV Case Surveillance and Care Continuum

HIV Case Surveillance

The Core HIV Epidemiology Team analyzes and presents summary data to describe the characteristics of people newly diagnosed with HIV (incidence) and people with HIV (prevalence) in Georgia. This includes describing demographic information (for example, race and ethnicity or geography) and monitoring trends over time, which are essential for informing HIV care and prevention efforts. Data used in these analyses primarily comes from healthcare providers who submit case report forms and from laboratories which submit test results.

Here is an example of a graph of new HIV diagnoses in Georgia over time that was produced by the Core HIV Epidemiology Team. 

The trend of HIV Diagnosis are decreasing in GA between 2015-2022

HIV Care Continuum

The Georgia Department of Public Health (GA DPH) uses five HIV care continuum measures to understand how frequently people with HIV are able to access and use HIV care services.  These measures are based on reported CD4 counts and viral load tests, which are used as a proxy for an HIV care visit. Viral load tests are also used to describe viral suppression, a very low or undetectable amount of HIV in the blood which occurs when a person uses HIV medicine called antiretroviral therapy (ART). 

The HIV care continuum provides a means of monitoring progress toward the achievement of objectives outlined in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States | NHAS, released by the White House in July 2010 and updated annually. It also allows us to identify where gaps in services may exist in connecting individuals with HIV to care and in providing ongoing and high-quality treatment. 

HIV Care Continuum Measures HEX Diagram

HIV Case Surveillance and Care Continuum Data 

Below are data from the last five years describing the HIV epidemic in Georgia. GA DPH shares these data and trends with the public and partners to help them monitor the epidemic and inform their HIV care and prevention decision-making. 

More Information

Case Reporting: For instructions on how to report HIV/AIDS cases and lab reports, see HIV/AIDS Case Reporting.

How To Request Data: To request data beyond what is included on the GA DPH website, please visit PHIP Data Request to create a PHIP data request account and complete the data request form.

Page last updated 03/24/2025