Office of Cardiac Care

Cardiovascular disease is responsible for over 800,000 deaths each year in the U.S., or about one in three deaths, according to the American Heart Association. Each day, 2,300 Americans die from cardiovascular disease. To improve these outcomes and reduce the death burden from cardiovascular disease and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Georgia, legislation was signed into law in 2017 establishing of the Office of Cardiac Care within the Georgia Department of Public Health.   

The Mission of the Office of Cardiac Care is to improve survival rates in Georgia from out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) and heart attacks (STEMI) through quality improvement, benchmarking and evidence-based guidelines, supported by standardized data collection and reporting system. The foundation for the evaluation of the Emergency Cardiac Care System in Georgia is the establishment and maintenance of the cardiac registry. They will accomplish this by:

  • Assigning designated levels to Emergency Cardiac Care Centers (Level I, II, III) for hospitals complying with Emergency Cardiac Care Center criteria for awareness among the public and EMS.
  • Establishing protocols for EMS to diagnose, triage, and transport cardiac patients to an appropriate cardiac resource hospital. 
  • Requiring all cardiac-designated hospitals at each level to submit heart attack (STEMI) and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest data to the Georgia Cardiac Registry (GCaR) data reporting system.
  • Providing data to help measure performance and improve outcomes.

​Benefits of the Emergency Cardiac Care Center Designation

EMS will know what cardiac resources hospitals have, and they will be able to get patients to the right treatment in time. 

Hospitals will:

  • Strengthen Georgia’s Emergency Medical Services system.
  • Ensure cardiac patients get the proper treatment that they need.
  • Save lives, reduce disability, and improve quality of life.

The community will:

  • Have a designated Emergency Cardiac Care Center nearby. 
  • Have peace of mind knowing that if they go to the hospital, they’ll receive the correct treatment. In some cases, that will involve transferring patients to higher-level care. In other cases, EMS will take patients directly to another hospital.

Georgia Cardiac Registry (GCaR) FAQ's

What is the Georgia Cardiac Registry (GCaR)?

In 2017, Senate Bill 102 was signed into law to improve outcomes and reduce the death rate from cardiovascular disease, STEMI and OHCA in the State of Georgia. This law provided for the establishment of the Office of Cardiac Care within the Georgia Department of Public Health. The 2017 legislation, codified in O.C.G.A. § 31-11-130 et seq., charged the Office of Cardiac Care with designating hospitals as Emergency Cardiac Care Centers (ECCC) and establishing a reporting system called Georgia Cardiac Registry (GCaR) for the collection of OHCA and STEMI data.

How does a hospital participate in the GCaR?

The Office of Cardiac Care asks that each ECCC establish a designated point of contact who will access the GCaR portal to enter the required registry data. Once a designated contact(s) has been established, the state cardiac registrar will schedule an online tutorial of the data entry process as well as provide the contact person(s) with an individual username and password for access to the GCaR portal.

What data will need to be submitted to GCaR?

ECCCs will be required to submit the following data to GCaR:

  • Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) outcome data
  • STEMI data – ECCCs will submit STEMI data manually or via direct entry

Will the data submitted to the registry be kept confidential?

All information reported to GCaR will be kept confidential and will not be released except in de-identified form or for research purposes determined by the Georgia department of public health to have scientific merit. The Office of Cardiac Care will not release any information that may lead to the identification of any hospital. (Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 511-9-2-.05.)

  • Georgia Quarterly and Annual Cardiac Reports

    The Utstein is a Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Outcome Report. Based on this template, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases can be classified in different groups based on characteristics of the OHCA case and circumstances (such as resuscitation attempted or not attempted, initial heart rhythm, witnessed or unwitnessed). Core elements of this report include: first rhythm identified, the occurrence of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), target temperature management (TTM), survival to discharge, and functional capacity at discharge.

    The data generated by Georgia Cardiac Registry (GCaR) and Georgia EMS Information System (GEMSIS) helps with understanding the current epidemiology of OHCA and inform quality improvement. We plan to increase the number of participating registries to enable more comprehensive reporting of systems of care and outcomes following OHCA. 

    Download this pdf file. Georgia 2022 OHCA Cardiac Etiology Utstein Report

    Download this pdf file. Georgia 2022 Cardiac System Snapshot  

    Download this pdf file. Georgia 2021 OHCA Cardiac Etiology Utstein Report


  • STEMI Performance Measures
  • GCaR Monthly Meetings - Recorded Trainings 2024

    Wednesday, 6/12/2024

    Wednesday, 5/15/2024

    • Topic: How to Search for EMS Record for OHCA Incidents/Cardiac Arrest Hospital Transfers/Discharge Tab Level I & II ECCCs & Level III ECCCs
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: JpcCMer2

    Wednesday, 4/17/2024

    Wednesday, 3/20/2024

    • Topic: How to Delete a PR Incident & How to Locate an ePCR
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: CrmpKgE5

    Wednesday, 2/14/2024

    Wednesday, 1/17/2024

  • GCaR Monthly Meetings - Recorded Trainings 2023

    Wednesday, 11/15/2023

    Wednesday, 10/18/2023

    Wednesday, 9/20/2023

    Wednesday, 7/20/2023

    Wednesday, 6/14/2023

    • Report Writer – How to Access Shared Reports and how to generate those reports
    • Password to access the recording: mT8fha7G
    • Link to recorded training

    Wednesday, 5/17/2023

    Wednesday, 4/12/2023

    Wednesday, 2/15/2023

    Wednesday, 1/18/2023

    • Topic: GCaR Updates for 2023/Report Writer Cardiac Arrest - QA Report
    • Password to access the recording: DcYjb3ez
    • Link to recorded training
  • GCaR Monthly Meetings - Recorded Trainings 2022

    Wednesday, 11/19/2022

    • Topic: EMS ePCR (Electronic Patient Care Report) Review
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: rM2Cp3hr

    Wednesday, 10/19/2022

    • Topic: How to Code the Referring Grid for Level I & II ECCCs, Transfer Grid for Level III ECCCs and the Cardiac Cath Lab Grid for Level I & II ECCCs
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: Mpvv4abQ

    Wednesday, 9/14/2022

    • How to Search for John & John Doe and No Name patients at your hospital
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: aMTrnSw3

    Wednesday, 8/17/2022

    • Topic: Form Updates/ How to Code: Long Form ( New) Discharge –Home & Cardiac Arrest Form - Overdose Patient
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: 3sNq5X28

    Wednesday, 7/14/2022

    • Topic: Unable to Locate ePCRs in GEMSIS Elite, Hospital Hub, or Patient Registry
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: TyDeHHZ3

    Wednesday, 6/15/2022

    • Topic: Cardiac Arrest (STEMI Prehospital), Cath Lab Box & Discharge “Home” coding scenarios
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: tVFXpT8s

    Wednesday, 5/18/2022

    Wednesday, 3/16/2022

    Wednesday, 2/16/2022

    • Topic: Emergency Cardiac Care Center (ECCC) & GCaR Administrator Responsibilities
    • Link to recorded training
    • Password to access the recording: nVeZFsW3

    Wednesday, 1/19/2022

  • GCaR Monthly Meetings - Recorded Trainings 2021

    Wednesday, 11/17/2021

    Wednesday, 10/27/2021

    Wednesday, 9/22/2021

    Wednesday, 8/25/2021

    Wednesday, 7/28/2021

    Wednesday, 6/23/2021

    Wednesday, 5/19/2021

    Wednesday, 4/21/2021

How do I obtain more information about the Office of Cardiac Care?

Please contact the Office of Cardiac Care with any questions at [email protected]


Page last updated 11/8/2023