Donated Drug Repository Program
The Donated Drug Repository Program is intended to encourage the donation of unused drugs to healthcare facilities and professionals in the private sector for the purpose of dispensing them to needy individuals.
The Department of Public Health does not accept or dispense donated drugs. That is done entirely by healthcare facilities and professionals who participate in the program. The role of the Department is to establish regulations to be followed for those who wish to participate. Those regulations can be found
Who can donate drugs to the program?
Anyone can donate drugs to the program!
What kind of drugs may be donated?
Both prescription and over-the-counter drugs are eligible to be donated, so long as they are in unopened tamper-evidence packaging and will not expire before the date they are likely to be dispensed to a new patient.
Certain drugs, however, may not be accepted under any circumstances. Those are:
- controlled substances;
- drugs that appear to have been adulterated; and
- drugs subject to a federal FDA managed risk evaluation and management strategy pursuant to 21 U.S.C. Section 355-1 if inventory transfer is prohibited.
Who is eligible to take in donated drugs?
Any pharmacy, hospital, drug wholesaler, reverse distributor, federally qualified health center, non-profit clinic, healthcare facility, entity participating in a drug donation or repository program pursuant to the law of another state, or healthcare professional who is otherwise legally authorized to possess drugs, may participate in the Donated Drug Repository Program simply by giving written notice email or by mail to:
The Office of Pharmacy’s email: [email protected].
If you’re unable to send your written notice electronically, you may send your written notice by mail to:
Georgia Department of Public Health, Office of Pharmacy, 200 Piedmont Avenue, S.W. , Atlanta, Georgia, 30334
the current list of authorized participants in the Donated Drug Repository Program.
What individuals are eligible to receive donated drugs?
The Donated Drug Repository Program is intended to assist indigent persons; that is, individuals who have no health insurance, or have insurance that does not fully cover the prescription drugs they need, or are enrolled in a public assistance health benefits program.
Page last updated 7/17/23