Viral Hepatitis ECHO


Georgia Viral Hepatitis ECHO provides a virtual community learning platform for clinicians and public health personnel to access viral hepatitis specialist(s), discuss challenging cases, barriers, and solutions in managing viral hepatitis.


ECHO sessions are monthly and typically on the first Thursday, from 12 pm-1 pm (EST). 

If you are interested in joining this or any other DPH ECHO, please visit

Viral Hepatitis ECHO Team:

  • Ami Gandhi, MPHViral Hepatitis Program Director, Georgia DPH
  • Shayna Jefferson-Williams, MBAViral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator, Georgia DPH
  • Lesley Miller, MD, FACPMedical Director, Grady Liver Clinic; Medical Advisor for the DPH Viral Hepatitis ECHO
  • Shelley-Ann Fluker, MD, FACPAssociate Director, Grady Liver Clinic; Medical Advisor for the DPH Viral Hepatitis ECHO
  • Aiesha Gentry - ECHO CME Training Coordinator

Contact Information:

To ECHO is to expand your understanding, so if you need more information, please email us at  

If you would like to present a case in an upcoming session, please complete a case presentation form: 

HIPAA Compliance: All patient information will be de-identified for presentation during sessions. To ensure HIPAA compliance during patient presentations, please identify your patient(s) only by their assigned ECHO ID.

Viral Hepatitis ECHO Presentations:




