Voucher Codes for EMS Agencies and Education Programs
Vouchers are unique codes that can be purchased by EMS Agencies/EMS Initial Education Programs to distribute to personnel for payment of the Instructor Initial/Renewal applications and Medic Initial/Renewal applications fees.
Current voucher code amounts are $75.00 (Medic license applications) and $25.00 (Instructor license applications)
for instructions on how to request and assign voucher codes.
Purchased voucher codes:
- Should be treated like a credit card/cash.
- Can be used for partial payment of license fee.
- Can be applied for a license fee, any balance left on the voucher is not transferable. (The voucher code can only be used once).
- No expiration date.
- Non-refundable and Non-transferable by OEMST
- Can be used on any personnel (Medic/Instructor) license application.
- Voucher codes have real value to them, and the Department is NOT responsible if EMS agencies inadvertently release their codes to unauthorized personnel.
- The Department will not be able to reassign/reissue the voucher code to any other personnel once the codes have been released to the EMS Agency/Education Program.
Page updated 1/6/2024