1st Care

1st Care Program Model

The goal of 1st Care is to establish a well-coordinated system for the assessment and monitoring of infants from birth to one year who are low birth weight and/or have a diagnosed medical condition, or whose families may benefit from more support. Because these infants are at a heightened risk of experiencing developmental delays and unfavorable health outcomes, our mission is to ensure that these vulnerable infants and their families receive the necessary support and services required to meet their health and developmental needs.

Criteria for Eligibility

  • Very low birth weight (born less than 1500 grams) 
  • Low birth weight infants (born between 1500 grams and 2500 grams) with a coexisting diagnosed medical condition(s) as listed in the Maternal and Child Health Conditions Database.
  • Families determined to be at increased risk/needing more support as defined by the local health district.

 *Note 1st Care is only available in certain counties. Please reach out to your local health department by using the "Women, Children, and Nursing Locator" below to determine eligibility.


The 1st Care program offers a range of essential services that are tailored to support these infants and their families. 1st Care services are designed to be delivered in the comfort of the family's home and include:

  • Infant Health Assessments
  • Infant Developmental Assessments
  • Care Coordination for family needs

1st Care works to ensure services are collaborative, using a whole-family approach to help families thrive.

 Page last updated 3/15/24