March 24, 2021
Georgia Expands COVID Vaccine Eligibility
March 23, 2021
16+ Eligible for COVID Vaccine
Beginning Thursday, March 25, 2021
Atlanta – The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) and Governor Brian Kemp today announced the state will expand its COVID vaccine eligibility beginning March 25, 2021, to include all Georgians aged 16 and older. Increased COVID vaccine supply and significant progress in vaccinating Georgia seniors, our most vulnerable population, allows the state to move forward and to ensure all vaccine doses are being put into arms.
Vaccination, along with strict compliance with basic prevention measures - wear a mask, stay six feet from others, avoid large gatherings, wash your hands frequently - will help Georgia stop the spread of COVID-19.
These measures are critically important as SARs-CoV-2 variants continue to circulate and increase in Georgia. Currently, there are 367 confirmed COVID cases with variants statewide; 351 cases with the UK variant (B.1.1.7), 15 cases with the South Africa variant (B.1.351), and 1 case with the Brazil variant (P.1). These variants appear to spread more easily and quickly than other variants, which may lead to more cases of COVID-19.
Anyone signs or symptoms of COVID-19 should be tested, regardless of vaccination status or prior infection. Follow the advice of your health care provider about what you should do while you wait for your test results. COVID testing not only helps DPH control and mitigate infection, but it also provides valuable information about variants when positive test results are sequenced.
To find a vaccination location or to schedule an appointment, log on to or visit to schedule an appointment at a GEMA mass vaccination site.
Important note: Pfizer is the only COVID vaccine approved for teens 16 and 17 years old. Please schedule an appointment at CVS or Walgreens or at one of the GEMA mass vaccination sites to ensure Pfizer vaccine is available.
For updates on COVID-19, follow @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Twitter and @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Facebook.