Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance
Cardiovascular disease surveillance is responsible for monitoring health outcomes, behaviors, and policies at regular intervals in worksite, community, and health care settings.
To collect information on cardiovascular disease (CVD) for the State of Georgia.
To develop tools and collect data on prevention policies and environments affecting preventable risk factors for cardiovascular disease: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, and tobacco use.
To make data reports available to the public and health care professionals.
To provide cardiovascular disease morbidity, mortality and prevention policies and environments data to the cardiovascular health program to assist them in developing strategies and evaluating their effectiveness.
Cardiovascular Disease Program and Data Summary
Cardiovascular Disease Program and Data Summary
2006 Georgia Stroke and Heart Attack Awareness Survey
This statewide survey was a follow-up to a 1999 survey and was conducted to measure:
Knowledge of stroke signs
Knowledge of heart attack signs
Knowledge of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors
Ability to recognize a cardiovascular disease event and call 9-1-1
Knowledge of hypertension
Sources of information for cardiovascular disease treatments
The report summarizes the results of the survey.
2004 Georgia Health Plan Policies and Practices Survey Related to Cardiovascular Health
The Georgia Health Plan Policies and Practices Survey was conducted for the first time in 2004. The survey instrument was adapted from existing tools in Montana and New York. It included topics on policies and guidelines for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease; counseling and health education on physical activity, nutrition, and tobacco cessation; and assessment and counseling for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the Chief Medical Officer.
The report summarizes the methods, results, and implications.
2002 Georgia Worksite Health Promotion Policies and Practices Survey
The Georgia Worksite Health Promotion Policies and Practices Survey were conducted for the first time in 2002. This cross-sectional survey was adapted from the 1999 National Worksite Health Promotion Survey. The survey consisted of 69 questions relating to worksite policies and environments affecting physical activity, nutrition, and smoking practices of Georgia workers. Topics addressed include screenings, health education or behavior change programs, disease management programs, worksite opportunities for physical activity, healthy eating opportunities at the worksite, smoking policies, and funding of worksite wellness programs.
A stratified random sample of worksites was drawn based on the number of employees and industry type (SIC codes) resulting in 12 categories (4 industry type and 3 employee size categories). Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) were conducted with the human resources or employee health directors at the selected worksites. A total of 1,085 interviews were completed and the data were weighted so that each stratum represented its true proportion in the worksite population.