HIV Care

Georgia Gateway

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In Georgia the HIV Care (Ryan White Part B) Program is administered by the Office of HIV/AIDS. It is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide essential medical and support services for persons with HIV disease, and includes funding to manage the Georgia AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and the Health Insurance Continuation Program (HICP). The HIV Care Program is responsible for the direct management of the ADAP and HICP, for coordinating the funding of medical and support services across Georgia, and monitoring the quality of medical care and case management services.

Ryan White Part B Program
Download this pdf file. Georgia Ryan White-ADAP-HICP Policies and Procedures (FY2024)
Download this pdf file. HRSA Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B Manual


Download this pdf file. Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan and Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need, 2022-2026.


Page Last Updated 06/20/2024