Georgia Comprehensive Cancer Registry
The Georgia Comprehensive Cancer Registry (GCCR) is a statewide population-based cancer registry collecting all cancer cases diagnosed among Georgia residents since January 1, 1995. This information furthers our understanding of cancer and is used to develop strategies and policies for prevention, intervention, control, and treatment. The Georgia Department of Public Health has designated the Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics (GCCS) at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University as its agent for the purpose of collecting and editing cancer data.
GCCR is a participant in the National Program for Cancer Registries (NPCR) that was established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1992 through the Federal Cancer Registry Amendment Act (Public Law 102-515). NPCR provides funding and guidance for the development of cancer registries throughout the United States. In 2011, GCCR joined the National Cancer Institute, (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program which provides national leadership in the science of cancer surveillance as well as analytical tools and methodological expertise. GCCR is a member of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), which is a professional society that was established in 1987. NAACCR provides ongoing development of cancer registries and the establishment of registry standards.
- To collect information on all newly diagnosed cancer cases.
- To calculate cancer incidence rates for the state of Georgia.
- To make data available to the public and health care professionals.
- To identify and evaluate cancer morbidity and mortality trends and problems on an ongoing basis.
- To provide cancer incidence and mortality data to cancer control programs to assist them in developing strategies and evaluating their effectiveness.
- To stimulate cancer control research.
Georgia Cancer Registry Dashboard
Georgia Cancer Registry Mortality Dashboard
Related Sites
- Georgia Cancer Coalition
- Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics
- Georgia Hospital Association
- Georgia Tumor Registrars Association
- American Cancer Society
- National Cancer Institute
- National Program for Cancer Registries
- North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Page last updated: 1/26/2024