55+ Driver Safety Task Team

The 55+ Driver Safety Task Team’s goal is to maintain the mobility and safety of drivers 55 years of age and up, while making the roadways safer for all road users. The group, made up of stakeholders from the health care, public health and transportation communities as well as the private sector, implements activities geared towards five Safety E’s: Education, Engineering, Enforcement (policy), and Emergency Medical Services, and Evaluation

The 55+ Driver Safety Task Team collaborates with other task teams to contribute their expertise to Georgia’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The team incorporates the SHSP Implementation Plan into its activities and annually reports on its progress towards the SHSP’s goals.


  • Promote safe driving among aging road users
  • Address older adult mobility issues and improve access to alternative mobility options
  • Address knowledge gaps related to aging driver safety among traffic engineers and highway designers
  • Collaborate with partner organizations to increase knowledge about aging driver safety concerns and available resources.



Page last updated 12/14/2022